Monday, December 3, 2012


The time has come for you to lip sync for your LIFE! lol! I kid, I kid. :)

The time has come for me to clean out my life once again. Just as we clean when the different seasons make an appearance, it's a good idea to clean out your life sometimes as well. Whether it's cleaning out your mind and letting go of old hurts, pains and emotions or cleaning out the people who have no business being in your life.

Being a Pisces makes me very very susceptible to other people's emotions, feelings and pain. As such I can easily become overwhelmed by their emotions, sometimes even taking on their pain and sharing in it as if it were my own. As I've grown I've learned to block that ability/curse out but sometimes if I REALLY care about somebody, my guard slips. I will give untold number of chances for the person to not reciprocate my loving kindness and make excuses for their behavior. However, there comes a time when we all must set boundaries and see to it that everybody respects those boundaries and acts accordingly. If they do not, then they must go. Period. The END.

I am cleaning out my life of several people who no longer have any business being around me. I won't go into the details of what each person did and why they no longer deserve to be in my circle but suffice it to say, they've been removed. They might not even notice they've been removed, YET. But oh, when they notice they will TRY to come back but they shall find the house empty and the occupant gone.

I have asked GOD for forgiveness for any wrong I may have done them, I have asked GOD to assist me in forgiving them for any wrong they have done to me and I am moving on. I can not, will not tolerate disrespect of any type, be it of my person or of my time. I am no longer able to give a listening ear just because you are feeling down. I am no longer able to be a friend when you realize that nobody else is around. I am no longer able to give kind words and my time when you are not able or willing to reciprocate those things.

We live in an energy based world and there MUST be balance. We exchange energy all the time when we interact with people, going about our daily business, we leave our energy everywhere. When you interface with someone you are giving them energy and they receive it and give you energy back. It's supposed to be reciprocal but it isn't always. Some people are ENERGY VAMPIRES, all they do is TAKE energy. They do this because their own energy stores are so depleted, so lacking in substance, that they must TAKE TAKE TAKE and create CHAOS so that they may have even more energy available to restore their low stores.

But alas, I am on this trickery I am no longer going to allow ANYBODY to take energy from me without putting it back.

I am at peace with my decision and I know that my life will be better served surrounded by people who uplift me rather than people who bring me down.