Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Celestine Prophecy

At the behest of a friend (an oh soooo handsome friend I might add) I read the Celestine Prophecy. I get what it was trying to accomplish in it's overly simplistic manner. Overall the book was ok. I do however, like the 4 personality dramas that they talked about in the story. One of them reminds me of my ex. He is an interrogator. This is the type of person that likes to ask you questions but their intention in doing so is to set you up so that you can be wrong and they can be right. They get to have that "aha" I caught you moment. While you are busy wondering wtf they are talking about? Then if that didn't work he'd turn to the Poor Me drama. This drama is characterized by playing the victim. So if he couldn't get my attention by interrogating me with 980 questions then it was, "nobody likes me, nobody understands me, my mama don't love me or whatever other nonsensical malarkey he could come up with. The point of the 4 types of dramas is to steal energy. This has a ring of truth to it because I would find myself feeling physically and emotionally drained after talking with him often times. See, the world is made of energy and we exchange energy between ourselves all the time. In a healthy interaction there is a balance of energy given and received. But when we are playing out these dramas, we are attempting to get our energy needs met by SUCKING all the energy from the other person. When I was with this person I was NOT myself. What I mean by that  is I took a lot more shit from him than I would have. I blame it on the pregnancy hormones. I also know that I was SUPPOSED to go through everything I did with him. I haven't worked out ALL the reasons why but I've worked out most of them, at least the ones that pertain to me and I am happy about that. I know that GOD brings people into our lives sometimes for a lifetime, sometimes for a season. I know I played a positive, pivotal role in his life and he played a very important role in my life as well because he blessed me with a wonderful gift. A son I never thought I'd have. I never thought I'd have any more children and I am REALLY enjoying doing the whole mommy thing all over again. If you're curious about what control drama I use, it would be the aloof control drama. This person is mysterious and keeps their cards close to their chest. They don't come after you, they wait for you to make the move and that is how they get their energy. This is me all day. I don't approach other people, for friendship, dates, small talk, etc. I am reserved and shy. I let you come to me. I mean you know my winning personality just SHINES anyway so you can't HELP but to wanna get to know me, so that's what usually happens, lol! But what's funny is that before I even read the book, my friend who recommended the book to me told me right off the bat which type I was and I literally laughed out loud cuz we haven't seen each other or been around each other in YEARS but he was spot on, lol. I know this blog post is kinda random and all over the place but, hey I got the notion to come write because I was watching Tamar and Vince and I had a lot of feelings about what I'm witnessing on this show. But before I could pass judgement on someone else I had to be able to look at myself and my last relationship and be honest with myself too ya know what I mean? Btw, I figured out how to stop him from siphoning off my energy. I had to do him like I did when I was a young girl and other points in my life. I have to NOT allow people to take my energy or give me stuff I don't want. I am good at blocking it too and I feel so much better and so much more energized and happy now. And because I feel good, good things continue to happen to me. Why is that? Because the Law of Attraction states, that which is like unto itself is drawn.

Peace yall.